// Example combined data array
$combined_data = [
['partno' => 'B456', 'wd' => '20240613', 'qty' => 5],
['partno' => 'A123', 'wd' => '20240612', 'qty' => 10],
['partno' => 'C789', 'wd' => '20240614', 'qty' => 8],
['partno' => 'A123', 'wd' => '20240612', 'qty' => 15],
['partno' => 'B456', 'wd' => '20240613', 'qty' => 2],
// Generalized comparison function for multi-key sorting
function multiKeyCompare($keys) {
return function ($a, $b) use ($keys) {
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if ($a[$key] < $b[$key]) return -1;
if ($a[$key] > $b[$key]) return 1;
return 0;
// Define the keys to sort by
$keys = ['partno', 'qty']; // First sort by 'partno', then by 'qty'
// Sort the combined data array using the generalized comparison function
usort($combined_data, multiKeyCompare($keys));
// Print the sorted array
foreach ($combined_data as $item) {
echo "Part No: " . $item['partno'] . ", WD: " . $item['wd'] . ", QTY: " . $item['qty'] . "<br>";